Thursday, May 17, 2018

Disobedience: What's Love Got To Do With It?

Love and choice, duty and honor. These are the building blocks of this beautiful movie about three people whose lives become intertwined despite their efforts to keep them apart.

Ronit (Rachel Weisz) returns home to London for the funeral of her father, the Rabbi of an Orthodox Jewish synagogue. She left the religious community years ago and leads a secular life in New York. The obituary in the local newspaper doesn't mention her existence. That stings. She loved her father despite having to abandon his way of life, which she found stifling.

In his last sermon shortly before his death, the Rabbi spoke of freedom and choice. And although these ideas are inherent to this movie, in the end, it's love that makes it possible for them to flourish.

That's all The Movie Slut will say about this movie, which surprised her with its moving message.

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