Thursday, August 5, 2010

Charlie St. Cloud: Zac Attack

Tear jerkers don't get much sapier than this. And here's a surprise: Zac Efron, of "High School Musical" fame, really can act. Of course loyal followers of this blog know that already since they've read the MS review of "Me and Orson Welles," in which he shines as the great theater impresario's gofer.
In this new flick, Zac is a high school student again, but this time, he's not singing. He's mourning in his own special way.
Set in Quincy, Mass., with breathtaking ocean cinematography,this movie will delight swooning teenage girls and guys, too, since it's the best date film of the summer.
As for the Movie Slut, she found it refreshing to see a guy on the big screen who isn't a cad, a pig, a homicidal maniac or just a garden-variety dickhead.

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