Friday, December 3, 2010

Love and Other Drugs: Including Viagra

Despite the title, "Love..." is not a romantic comedy. It's a heart-swelling love story. Boy (Jake Gyllenhaal) meets girl (Anne Hathaway.) He's a drug salesman for Pfizer. She's an artist in the first stage of Parkinson's disease. Since he's shallow and she's sick, keeping it simple is their mutually agreed-upon plan.
But something happens on the way to living for the moment. Let's call it Love.
The movie is about love in the age of prescription mega-medication. It's 1996 and Pfizer's "wonder drug" Viagra has just hit the market, zooming Boy into the big bucks stratosphere. Meanwhile, Girl travels by bus to Canada with a group of senior citizens for more affordable meds.
The movie also takes on doctors, but is kinder to them, showing how they've been beaten down by the System until they've twisted the Hippocratic Oath into "First, make heaps of $."
"Love..." has much to say and could have been a terrific flick, but it's marred by sophomoric moments usually introduced by Boy's loser brother. So not funny. At these times its like being at a lovely concert, sitting next to a person crinkling the cellophane wrapper of her hard candy.
This flick may be uneven. Still, it's well worth seeing.

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