Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tamara Drewe: Luvely


What a difference a nose makes.

That's the first message — only one of many — in this charming, amusing English comedy. Said to be loosey-goosily based on Thomas Hardy's "Far from the Madding Crowd," it seems more like "The Return of the Native," and then there's Gemma Arterton as Tamara, who was Tess in the BBC version of "Tess of the D'Urbevilles."


But enough about the Hardy connection. This fine movie stands on its own. Among other messages are battling ideas about writers, or authors is more like it. Are they truth-tellers or thieves and liars? (Or both?)

The story revolves around a rhinoplastied native, who returns to the English village where she grew up. There her fate becomes entwined with a farmer, an author, a rock star, two bored teenage girls, a bad-tempered canine and a herd of cows.
What could be more fun?

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