"The Artist" is to a Hollywood blockbuster as a Laura Ashley pinafore is to a Versace gown.
The big screen doesn't light up with pyrotechnics. There are no car chases. And nothing flies off the screen threatening to pierce you between the eyes.
You won't hear any chit-chat either because this is a silent movie.
The consensus in the ladies room after the film was that "The Artist" was "boring."
"I kept nodding off," one woman complained.
"I wish I did," another groused.
The Movie Slut, however, adored this flick. It was an old-time silent movie with the improvements of modern-day technology. If you've never seen a pre-talkie, as the women in the ladies room confessed, you might agree with them. But if you've enjoyed this old-time entertainment in the past, say on Turner Classic Movies, you'll find "The Artist" a treat.