Friday, September 26, 2014

My Old Lady: She may be old, but...

And you thought apartment battles were a New York City thing.
Well, think again.
Supposedly, in Paris there's a legality that precludes an owner from selling his property and even forcing him to pay rent to the apartment dweller.
This is the position Kevin Klein's character finds himself in, which is too bad since it's the only asset in his non-existent portfolio.
Maggie Smith occupies the apartment where she lives with her unpleasant daughter, Kristen Scott Thomas.
The biggest surprise about this movie is that despite the sterling cast and promising plot, it falls flatter than je ne sais quoi.
Based on a play by Israel Horovitz, this flick should have remained on stage. It's stagey. And worse. All the way to the tacked on "happy" ending.
If  you want to see a funny and insightful movie about an apartment in contention, rent The Break Up with Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn.

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