Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman: See It Again

The answer to that question is "yes." At least to date.

Snow White and the Huntsman is a big, brassy, bold summer movie that takes us into the Dark Forest and an Enchanted Forest, too. We meet the evil queen and the lovely princess. The seven dwarfs are back, though none is named Grumpy. There are magical birds and beasts. The Duke's son is on board to fill in for the prince.

And then, of course, the Huntsman makes his appearance. He's the classic rebel and just drunk and  drunk enough not to fear the evil queen.

The movie is an odyssey through many lands filled with danger and surprise.

And most shocking of all is the fact that this flick has so much to say about the power of female beauty, the weakness of male desire, the fear of growing old, the obsession with immortality and the glory of goodness.

More sophisticated reviewers might sneer at what is, after all, a fairy tale. But the Movie Slut is not afraid to give this film a rave.

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