Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Another Year: Feels Like Ten

How do you feel about watching a movie about people who are even more boring than you are? (No offense.) If this sounds like an interesting, enlightening or enjoyable prospect then, by all means, go see "Another Year." It comes to us from British filmmaker Mike Leigh, who gave us the delightful "Happy-Go-Lucky." His new flick might be called "Unhappy-and-Unlucky."

That's if you don't count the two main characters, husband and wife, Tom and Gerri, for whom contentment is an art form.

The trouble is that they're surrounded by misery. All their best friends lead lives of quiet, and sometimes not so quiet, desperation.
One reviewer called the movie "wise." And at the risk of sounding like a wiseguy, the Movie Slut wonders if Tom and Gerri have chosen a pathetic group of friends only to up their happiness ante. In comparison.

"Another Year," is peopled with a collection of eccentric British characters who manage to make their misery watchable, even at times — dare we say it — amusing.
Movie Slut Rating: Two out of five lipsticks.

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