Friday, June 29, 2018

Hearts Beat Loud: PITTER PATTER

                                Nick Offerman & Kiersey Clemons

For much of this decidedly indie, low budget movie, the Movie Slut wondered who green-lighted the project and how it managed to get on the big screen. And while she was at it, she couldn't figure out what attracted Blythe Danner, Toni Collette, and Ted Danson to play supporting roles.

Well, the Movie Slut was wrong. And she's willing to admit it. This is a film with a terrific sense of place (Redhook, Brooklyn), and time (the summer before a teenager leaves home for college.) And then there's the teen, played by the charismatic Kiersey Clemons.

It's a sweet movie about bumping up against life's changes and not always making them smoothly, but still moving ahead with grace and courage.

The Movie Slut made a complete180.

Loved it.


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