Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Crazies: Gore galore

Rural Ogden Marsh, Iowa is the epicenter of an outbreak of homicidal zombie lunatics. And well it should be, because it also happens to be the capital of second amendment rights zealots. That is to say, everyone has at least one pistol, a rifle and assorted other firearms.
If only the Supreme Court were forced to watch this flick as they ponder the gun laws in this country. (Better yet we could ship them out to Ogden Marsh.) But that's another story.
The story movie mavens will see on the screen, if they chose to watch this bloodbath, isn't much of a narrative. In fact, after 101 minutes it's doubtful they'll know what's really going on. Is it biological warfare chemicals in the water or something even more nefarious?
Oh, who cares. Certainly not the horror junkies who'll fill the seats. The Movie Slut was just a bit pissed because, except for an inspired car wash scene, this movie should have been much more fun. Then she checked out the Internet.
See for yourself.

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