Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Ghost Writer: A haunting tale

Are you tired of oozing blood and oceans of gore?
Have you seen one too many decapitated heads?
Do you long to hear a sentence without the F-word?
If you've answered "yes" to any of these questions, "The Ghost Writer" is for you. It's a smart political/espionage thriller that relies on an intelligent script, nuanced acting and moody settings. Not a gimmick in sight.
Pierce Brosnan is Adam Lang, a former British prime minister with Tony Blairesque parallels. But who is he really? The dim charmer he appears to be? Or an extreme ideologue hiding behind that image. And what's up with his wife, Ruth? (Olivia Williams) Is she the one pulling the strings?
Ewan McGregor, the ghost writer whose name we never learn, is the only character in this confounding flick who can be trusted. He signs on to write Lang's memoirs when the former ghost washes up on a beach in Massachusetts.
Secrets swarms through this movie like invisible gnats that get under your skin and leave you squirming. But then it does come to us from the director of "Chinatown," "Rosemary's Baby" and "The Pianist."
Roman Polanski, whose life is stuffed with more tragedy and drama than anything on the big screen, has done it again.

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